According to the Ministry of Finance, 32.3% of Russian households own a second property in addition to the main dwelling, which is significantly higher than in Europe, which last year was only 23.1%, according to the European Central Bank. This writes RBC.
For other real estate Russians are land, apartments and individual homes. In 15.1% of Russian households to other real estate related home, 12.3% - Flat, at 10.5% - land. The high rate of ownership of real estate Russians second is related to the results of the privatization of the former state-owned property.
Among European countries, the maximum rate of ownership of second homes registered in Cyprus (51.6%), Greece (37.9%) and Spain (36.2%). The lowest rate was recorded in the Netherlands (6.1%), Austria (13.4%) and Belgium (16.4%).
According to RBC, of nearly 500 civil servants and MPs to declare such property on the basis of 2013goda list only a few people left. However, about 30 of them became owners of land and property abroad.