The first cafe with the employees with special needs in Athens

Philologist by profession and mother of the child with special limitations Georgia Vamvunaki , have opened a coffee shop «Μύρτιλλο Cafe», where the people, whom society accustomed as “people with limited physical capacities” will be able to work and learn new skills. It's not just a coffee shop, but also a working area where workers cook, bake bread. Also it is the exhibition area, which can host an exhibition of paintings, book bazaar or a seminar on creating jewelry.

The idea of ​​creating such institution came up with Georgia during a visit to Scotland, "There I was faced with a culture of respect for the rights of each person, with the adoption of their differences. In Scotland, we saw hundreds of non-profit organizations, supporting vulnerable people in various way. I found many companies where these people had the opportunity to not only learn something, but also to work, to interact with the community on an equal footing. " It has since Georgia cherished the idea of ​​creating a similar company in Greece.”

"Our society should give a chance to disabled people for integration and disclosure of talents. We need to change our culture to move toward civilization, allow non-standard people to find their place in the culture and business ", - says the creator of« Μύρτιλλο Cafe ». So far, the first in Greece cafe where people with special limitations learn and work, was a sensation.

Cafe is open daily from 9.00 to 01.00 and is located in the Athens, Neo Iraklio district, reachable by city train. You can find further information on the website

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