Three young Greek architect Stratis Skopelitis, Maria Hristulia and Alexandros Valsamidis won the 1St place at the international architectural competition held in the United States.
The competition called "Tiny Home Community Competition was held on the initiative of the American Institute of architects and the Center for architecture and design with a view to strengthening the social role of architecture. How can architecture help the homeless? "This question had to answer the contest participants presenting their projects.
The theme of the contest was the establishment of homes with particular characteristics (precast, monolithic, affordable) to accommodate the homeless city of Raleigh, North Carolina. Participants were required to submit their ideas for with 12 designs of small houses with an area of 12 sq m each on a site located on the outskirts of Raleigh. These houses should play the role of "transit" housing for homeless people and to contribute to the reconstruction of relations of homeless people and society.
Stratis Skopelitis, Maria Hristulia and Alexandros Val′samidis, co-founders of the architectural group "Riza3architects", were able to win the Grand Prize among more than a hundred participants from different world countries. Explaining his selection, the jury noted that the draft Greek architects are the perfect combination of criteria such as the Organization of space, use of appropriate construction methods and materials and the holistic design of housing units.