The Patra’s Carnival was officially launched on Saturday by the city's mayor Costas Peletidis who urged the young people not to compromise and to claim what belongs to them. The opening ceremony of the carnival was a voyage of voices, songs and traditional music where Greece joined with Africa, Brazil, Mexico, Cuba and Italy and concluded with the group of percussion instruments of Athens 2004 Olympic Games and fireworks that gave special color to the city's sky.
Events and history
The Patra’s Carnival is composed of a series of events that include balls, parades, street parties, a children’s carnival, and more. This event has a long history, with the construction of floats and the presentation of parades appearing around 1870. As the years continued, the Carnival established itself in the early 19th century, as the master of carnival celebrations in Greece, and is now one of the biggest in Europe! This annual event begins on January 17, with the climax occurring on the last weekend of Carnival where visitors can see elaborate floats in huge parades, in Patra’s, Greece.
The Patra’s Carnival was officially launched on Saturday by the city's mayor Costas Peletidis who urged the young people not to compromise and to claim what belongs to them. The opening ceremony of the carnival was a voyage of voices, songs and traditional music where Greece joined with Africa, Brazil, Mexico, Cuba and Italy and concluded with the group of percussion instruments of Athens 2004 Olympic Games and fireworks that gave special color to the city's sky.
Source: tornosnews.gr