In today’s Eurogroup meeting, the head of eurozone finance ministers, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, said the agreement on the Greek 86-billion-euro bailout was “solid” and could not be changed by new governments.
His reference was regarding the ongoing negotiations for the formation of Angela Merkel’s new coalition government, and her new Finance minister who might be coming from the FDP, the party that wants a stricter policy towards Greece.
“Individual elections in individual countries cannot change the programme,” Dijsselbloem told reporters on his arrival at a Eurogroup meeting of eurozone finance ministers in Luxembourg.
“I‘m very confident that Germany will remain a decisive pro-European partner,” the EU economics commissioner Pierre Moscovici told reporters. “I‘m quite sure we will find solutions in Greece as we did in the past,” he added.
“We must concentrate on the essential and the essential is not this or that political comment about this or that political coalition.”
Other than these comments, there was no further reference or discussion about the Greek issue in the Eurogroup meeting.
Source: greece.greekreporter.com